Can Rabbits Eat Cabbage?

Yes, rabbits can eat cabbage. Cabbage is a good source of vitamins and minerals for rabbits and can help to add variety to their diet.

Yes, rabbits can eat cabbage. Cabbage is a good source of vitamins and minerals for rabbits and can help to add variety to their diet. When feeding cabbage to your rabbit, it is important to introduce it slowly to avoid gastrointestinal upset. Start by giving your rabbit a small piece of cooked cabbage or shredded raw cabbage and observe their reaction. If they seem to tolerate it well, you can increase the amount you offer. As with any new food, be sure to offer fresh water.

When feeding your rabbit any new food, it is essential to monitor their reaction and ensure that they
tolerate the cabbage well. If you notice any vomiting, diarrhea, or changes in appetite or behavior, consult with your veterinarian. Additionally, certain types of cabbage may not be appropriate for all rabbits. For example, Chinese cabbage is often too fibrous for small breeds of rabbits and can cause digestive upset. Cabbage should also only be offered in limited quantities as part of a balanced diet and moderation to prevent obesity.

Table of Contents

  1. Nutrition Facts for Cabbage
  2. Health Benefits and Dangers of Cabbage for Rabbits
  3. How to Feed Your Cabbage to Your Rabbits
  4. How Much Cabbage Can I Feed My Rabbit?
  5. Types of Cabbage to Feed Your Rabbit
  6. Final Thoughts on Feeding Cabbage to Your Rabbit

Nutrition Facts for Cabbage

Cabbage is a good source of vitamins C and K and fibre. A 100-gram serving of cabbage has

  • 25 calories
  • 2 grams of protein
  • 5 grams of carbohydrate
  • 2 grams of fibre
  • 75 mg of vitamin C (125% DV)
  • 110 mcg of vitamin K (138% DV)
  • 0.1 mg of manganese (5% DV)
  • 35 mg of calcium (3% DV)
  • 30 mg of magnesium (8% DV)
  • 220 mg of potassium (6% DV)

Vitamin C and Vitamin K are antioxidants that can help protect cells from damage. Fibre is essential for
digestive health and helps to keep things moving along smoothly in the gut. Manganese, calcium,
magnesium, and potassium are minerals that help support the function of various systems in the body.

Overall, cabbage is a healthy food choice for rabbits and can benefit their overall health and well-being. When feeding your rabbit cabbage, it is essential to closely monitor their reaction and discontinue use if any adverse symptoms arise. Additionally, certain types of cabbage preparations may not be appropriate or suitable for all rabbits.

Health Benefits and Dangers of Cabbage for Rabbits

Peeled fresh green cabbage

Cabbage is a healthy vegetable for rabbits and offers several potential benefits. These include:

-A good source of vitamins and minerals: Cabbage is rich in vitamins C and K and fibre. This
combination of nutrients can help support your rabbit’s overall health.

-Boosts the immune system: Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can help to protect cells from damage. It
also helps to boost the immune system, keeping your rabbit healthy and robust.

-Supports digestive health: Fiber is essential for keeping things moving along smoothly in the gut. It
also helps to add bulk to stools, making them easier to pass.

There are also some potential dangers associated with feeding cabbage to rabbits. These include:

-Gastrointestinal upset: Cabbage is a high-fibre vegetable and can cause gas, bloating, and diarrhea if
not introduced slowly or fed in moderation. It’s essential to closely monitor your rabbit’s reaction when
introducing cabbage to their diet.

-Chinese cabbage contains oxalates: Some types of cabbage, such as Chinese cabbage, contain
oxalates. These compounds can bind with calcium and other minerals in the body and lead to health
problems if consumed in large quantities.

-Cabbage is a gassy vegetable: Like all gassy vegetables, cabbage can cause flatulence in rabbits.
One can be uncomfortable for your rabbit and may lead to gastrointestinal distress.

Overall, cabbage is a healthy food choice for rabbits and can offer many benefits. However, it is essential to introduce cabbage slowly to your rabbit’s diet and carefully monitor their reaction. If any negative symptoms occur, discontinue use and consult with your veterinarian. Additionally, Chinese cabbage should be avoided. It contains oxalates that can be harmful to rabbits

How to Feed Your Cabbage to Your Rabbits

Fresh washed cabbage and tomatoes on a cutting board

Cabbage can be nourishing to rabbits in several different ways. The easiest way is to chop up the cabbage into small pieces and add it to their regular food. You can also feed them whole leaves or shred the cabbage and mix it into their hay.

If you’re introducing cabbage to your rabbit’s diet for the first time, it’s essential to do so slowly. Start with just a few chopped cabbage pieces and gradually increase the amount over time. Pay close attention to your rabbit’s reaction and discontinue use if they experience any adverse symptoms, such as diarrhea or gastrointestinal distress.

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Additionally, some types of cabbage are not appropriate or suitable for all rabbits. Chinese cabbage, for example, contains oxalates that can be harmful to rabbits. As such, it’s essential to consult with your veterinarian or a qualified nutritionist before feeding cabbage to your rabbit to ensure they are getting the most out of this healthy vegetable.

How Much Cabbage Can I Feed My Rabbit?

The amount of cabbage appropriate for your rabbit will depend on their size, age, and overall health. As
a general rule, it’s recommended to start with no more than 1-2 tablespoons per day and then gradually
increase this as necessary based on your rabbit’s reaction. You can also consult with your veterinarian or
qualified nutritionist to get more specific feeding recommendations based on your individual rabbit’s

Overall, cabbage can be a healthy addition to the diet of most rabbits when fed in moderation. However, it’s essential to pay close attention to how they react when introducing this vegetable into their diet and be cautious about giving them certain types of cabbage that may not be suitable for all rabbits. Cabbage can be a healthy and nutritious addition to your rabbit’s diet with proper care and consideration.​

Cabbage is a healthy vegetable for rabbits, provided it is introduced slowly and in moderation. Some tips for feeding cabbage to rabbits include chopping the cabbage into small pieces or shredding it and mixing it with their hay, starting with 1-2 tablespoons per day and gradually increasing this as necessary based on your rabbit’s reaction. There are also some potential dangers associated with feeding cabbage to rabbits, such as gastrointestinal upset, Chinese cabbage containing oxalates, and gassy vegetables causing flatulence in rabbits. Overall, when fed correctly, cabbage can make a healthy addition to the diet of most rabbits.

Types of Cabbage to Feed Your Rabbit

Chopped cabbage on cutting board with herbs and cucumber slice

Many different cabbage types can be nourished by rabbits, such as green cabbage, red cabbage, and savoy cabbage. However, it’s important to note that Chinese cabbage should be avoided as it contains oxalates that can be harmful to rabbits. When feeding cabbage to your rabbit, start with a small amount and gradually increase this as necessary based on their reaction. If any negative symptoms occur, discontinue use and consult with your veterinarian.

Overall, many different types of cabbage can be safely fed to rabbits. It’s essential to do some research and consult with a veterinarian or qualified nutritionist before choosing specific varieties of cabbage for your rabbit, as some may not be appropriate depending on their age, health status, and individual needs. With proper care and consideration, however, cabbage can make a healthy addition to the diet of most rabbits.​

Whether you’re looking for a tasty new treat for your bunny or want to introduce more nutrients into their diet, cabbage is an excellent option. This versatile vegetable can be chopped into small pieces and added to your rabbit’s food bowl or mixed with hay. Alternatively, it can also be fed whole as long as it is served in moderation and your rabbit tolerates it well. When introducing cabbage into your rabbit’s diet, start with a small amount and gradually increase this as necessary based on their reaction. And remember to always speak with a veterinarian or qualified nutritionist before making any significant changes to your rabbit’s diet.

Whether you’re looking for a tasty new treat for your bunny or want to introduce more nutrients into their diet, cabbage is an excellent option. This versatile vegetable can be chopped into small pieces and added to your rabbit’s food bowl or mixed with hay. Alternatively, it can also be fed whole as long as it is served in moderation and your rabbit tolerates it well. As with any new food, it’s essential to introduce cabbage slowly into your rabbit’s diet and to pay close attention to their reaction. Start with a small amount and gradually increase this as necessary based on their reaction. And remember to always speak with a veterinarian or qualified nutritionist before making any significant changes to your rabbit’s diet.​

Final Thoughts on Feeding Cabbage to Your Rabbit

Though some rabbits may not enjoy the taste of cabbage, this healthy vegetable can be a nutritious
addition to their diet when fed correctly. When introducing cabbage into your rabbit’s diet, start with a
small amount and gradually increase this as necessary based on their reaction. And remember to always
speak with a veterinarian or qualified nutritionist before making any significant changes to your rabbit’s

Have you ever fed cabbage to your rabbit? What was their reaction? Let us know in the comments

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